When I was still drinking, Super Bowl Sunday was always followed by a dreadful, hungover Monday. Even though I never watched sports, or cared about anything other than my pool numbers, I always drank like a monster. While some drinkers can turn any old day into a drinking occasion, certain calendar markers can become just […]
A Night You Can’t Remember: Alcohol Induced Blackouts
What’s worse than recalling an embarrassing thing you did while you were drinking? Not remembering anything at all. Coming to the realization that you were in a blackout can be a scary way to wake up. You may ask yourself a variety of horrifying questions, including, “What did I do? What happened? How did I […]
Cheers to Tears: Dealing with Post-Party Hangxiety
Whether you drank last night to relieve stress, take the edge off, or “just because,” today you may feel worse than you did before thanks to hangxiety. What is hangxiety? If you have ever been hungover, chances are you have suffered from hangxiety. The term is a combination of the words “hangover” and “anxiety.” Hangxiety […]
In the Shadows: How Active Addiction Leads to Isolation
Even though alcohol is considered a social substance, many people who become dependent on it find themselves feeling alone. When my drinking was at its worst, I could be in a room surrounded by people and still feel absolutely isolated. Active alcoholism kept me separate from my friends and family, my hobbies, my work, and […]
Rock Bottom: A Sometimes Scary Means to Change
Webster’s definition of rock bottom is “the lowest point possible.” While the expression can be used to identify low points on Earth, people hitting rock bottom from a substance use disorder can feel lower than the lowest points on the planet. What is a rock bottom? Hitting rock bottom means […]